Suicide Prevention Forum A Success
A diverse group of more than 70 people have come together for the Central Australian Suicide Prevention Forum at the Desert Knowledge Precinct in May 2023. The forum has a focus on keeping the conversation happening in our community about preventing suicide and...

May Group Activities Calendar
Some highlights from the May Group Activities Calendar include: FOOTY 4 LIFE Get some gentle exercise at Footy 4 Life facilitated by AFL NT. This is for people of all abilities and uses the sport of AFL as a tool to improve physical and mental health. LUTHERAN CARE...

Your Experience of Service Survey 2023
MHACA values feedback, and each year asks participants to complete a Your Experience of Service Survey. This survey aims to improve mental health services. It was developed with mental health participants and is based on the Recovery Principles of the Australian...

April Group Activities Calendar
This month participants can enjoy Basketball, and Footy 4 Life begins at the end of April. Download the April Group Activities Calendar Call 08 89504600 or email info@mhaca.org.au to enquire about group activities. Email intake@mhaca.org.au to enquire about an intake...

Submission to the National Stigma and Discrimination Reduction Strategy
The Mental Health Association of Central Australia (MHACA) welcomes the opportunity to provide comment on the Priority Actions of the National Stigma and Discrimination Reduction Strategy developed by the National Mental Health Commission. MHACA is a leading Northern...

March Group Activities Calendar
This month we have a new group for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women that creates a safe space to share your story about what is happening currently with your personal mental health journey of recovery. It also gives you the opportunity to meet other women...

February Group Activities Calendar
Swimming is a weekly activity on Wednesday's this month, and Lutheran Care will be visiting MHACA and providing financial support on 17 and 27 February for MHACA participants. Download the February Group Activities Calendar Call 08 89504600 or...

January Group Activities Calendar
Download the January Group Activities Calendar Call 08 89504600 or email info@mhaca.org.au to enquire about group activities. Email intake@mhaca.org.au to enquire about an intake interview, or download a referral form. In addition to structured activities, a Drop-in...

Lived Experience Workforce Framework
MHACA was successful in attracting funding from the NTPHN for a project to develop a Lived Experience Workforce Framework and supporting practices (The Framework). MHACA is committed to the growth of the lived experience workforce and aims to achieve 100% peer workers...

December Group Activities Calendar
With Christmas approaching we have some special activities as part of our group activities calendar this month: Thursday 1 December - Christmas Tree Decorating @ MHACA Friday 9 December - ASTC Christmas Night Markets Wednesday 21 December - Participant Christmas Lunch...