MHACA Awarded Gold Mental Health First Aid Skilled Workplace Accreditation!
MHACA has been awarded a Gold badge for the Small Workplaces category, for having maintained a ratio of 40% of staff with a current Mental Health First Aid Certificate! We’re proud to report that currently 16 of our 21 staff have completed Mental Health First Aid in...
MHACA delivers a Suicide Story Workshop in Tennant Creek
Suicide Story was delivered in Tennant Creek earlier this year. A record number of people completed the program, with 24 people receiving certificates of attainment. Everyone who participated in this workshop found it to be worthwhile. According to Tennant Creek based...
International Women’s Day – Tuesday 8 March
MHACA attended a fantastic International Women’s Fair Day event on the Alice Springs Hospital Lawns on Tuesday 8 March. An initiative of Tangentyere Council and the Alice Springs Women’s Shelter for International Women’s Day, the fair celebrated the talents and hard...
NT Police learn about MHACA’s Suicide Bereavement Service during February and March 2016
Around 55 Northern Territory Police Officers attended mandatory information sessions about MHACA's StandBy Response service over a period of five weeks in Alice Springs recently. Sessions were supported by MHACA staff talking about mental health first aid, StandBy...
SANE (Australia) Bereavement and Mental Illness Workshop
MHACA is pleased to announce that we will be hosting the Bereavement and Mental Illness Workshop that SANE is delivering across Australia, here in Alice Springs on Thursday 19 May 2016. The workshop is aimed at providing participants with knowledge and skills to...
New Mental Health Training Dates for 2016
MHACA will once again be offering a range of accredited, targeted and bespoke training courses to organisations, professionals and community members. Please click on the calendar link to see what training is available for 2016. MHACA External Training Calendar Please...
MHACA participants feature in the Centralian Advocate
MHACA held a range of events during the week of 5-10 October to celebrate Mental Health Week. We were very fortunate to take up several opportunities to promote Mental Health Week in the local media, with three of MHACA's participants speaking to the Centralian...
Mental Health Week 2015: Media Release
MEDIA RELEASE MENTAL HEALTH WEEK 2015 October 4th to 10th is Mental Health Week. In fact, October is designated as Mental Health Month. This years’ theme for Mental Health Week is “Mental Health Begins With Me” with three objectives – to reduce stigma, encourage help...
MHACA Annual Report 2013/4
Earlier this month MHACA held its Annual General Meeting and released the 2013/4 Annual Report. It was a busy year for MHACA and you can read all about what we have been up to here.MHACA Annual Report 2013-4