Ending the Stigma of Mental Health Illnesses.
It is just a mental illness – I can help you understand….
Suicide Story wins the NT Fitzgerald Human Rights Award for Social Change
Our Suicide Story program was honoured to receive The Northern Territory Fitzgerald Human Rights award for Social Change last week in Darwin. We would like to extend a big thanks to the officials and judges for acknowledging the program with this prestigious award,...
Launch of Watchful Eyes painting by Akeyulerre Healing Centre
We were very happy to have the ladies from the Akeyulerre Healing Centre visit yesterday, to celebrate the launch of a beautiful painting called “Watchful Eyes.” "Watchful Eyes" was commissioned by MHACA to celebrate Mental Health Week in 2016, and sponsored by a...
Rosie Batty visits MHACA
We were very pleased to host Rosie Batty, domestic violence campaigner and the 2015 Australian of the Year, on Tuesday 8 November. Participants and staff were thrilled to hear Rosie speak and draw parallels with our own work to support victims of domestic violence....
Stress Less in the Park – a fun morning out in Mental Health Week 2016
‘Stress Less in the Park’ was a fabulous morning celebrating Mental Health Week on the Alice Springs Hospital Lawns on Friday 14 October. The atmosphere was fantastic - everyone was smiling and soaking up the sunshine and the CAAMA live broadcast. The feedback from...
Beautiful exhibits from The Art of Our Healing
The Art of Our Healing was an exhibition by participants of the Mental Health Association of Central Australia to celebrate Mental Health Week from 9-15 October 2016. Mental Health Week is Australia’s way of raising community awareness about mental health and...
Day to Day Living November 2016 Calendar Released!
MHACA offers a fantastic range of activities as part of our Day to Day Living program. Click on the calendar link below to see what's on offer in November 2016. D2DL November 2016 Calendar Please contact us on 8950 4600 for further information, or if you would like to...
New Mental Health Tenancy Support Program
MHACA is excited to announce a new program with a focus on supporting participants to obtain and maintain secure housing. The program emphasises a client centred approach with an aim to deliver a holistic and tailored plan for the individual. Along with the new...
Media Release: The Art of Our Healing
There’s something more than just art and craft happening in the art groups on Thursdays at the Mental Health Association of Central Australia. For the past four months, participants of MHACA have sat together in the Drop in Centre on Lindsay Avenue creating art for an...
Day to Day Living October 2016 Calendar Released!
MHACA offers a fantastic range of activities as part of our Day to Day Living program. Click on the calendar link below to see what's on offer in October 2016. D2DL October 2016 Calendar Please contact us on 8950 4600 for further information, or if you would like to...