NDIS Transition Leaving People With Severe Mental Illness Behind
A report recently released by Community Mental Health Australia (CMHA) highlights some of the difficulties and barriers which are being experienced by people with a psychosocial disability in applying for the NDIS. MHACA is one of two organisations in the Northern...
Mental Health Worker of the Year
MHACA has been busy celebrating 2018 Mental Health Week. A highlight this year was recognition of the wonderful contribution Kath Broadbent has made to the mental health sector over many years. She was awarded Mental Health Worker of the Year by the Hon. Vicki...
Join us for World Suicide Prevention Day
Come and visit us at the Town Council Lawns on the 12th of September for World Suicide Prevention Day. Help us promote this important event by downloading the flyer.
Day to Day Living December/January 2017/2018 Calendar
Calendar December 2017-January 2018
October 2017 D2DL Calendar!
Calendar October 2017
AUGUST 2017 DaytoDayLiving Calendar OUT NOW
Calendar August 2017 Check out what is on at MHACA this month, Participant planning day August 9th.
June 2017 D2DL Calendar OUT NOW!!
check out what's new at MHACA! lots of activities including Drama, Gardening and crafts! Calendar June 2017
February D2DL Calendar Out Now!
Check out the February Calendar jam packed with fun things to do. As usual, please book into activities at least one week in advance where possible. D2DL Calendar February 2017
Forming new habits
Do you make New Years resolutions? Statistics show that although 75% of New Years resolutions are kept for the first week of January and less than half make it through the first 6 months. Let's talk about this topic during at our regular Tuesday talk. Helpful or...
Carer Burnout!
The busy holiday period is over, which usually means it's time that when burnout hits us. During this live chat we look at the warning signs of burn out and explores ways manage it.