Provide feedback with the YES Survey

Have Your Say – Do the YES Survey! 

Open December 1 – 18

The YES Survey is for MHACA participants to provide feedback that helps to improve services. It’s all about Your Experience of Service.

The YES survey is voluntary and the information collected is anonymous. Come in on Wednesday or Thursday and collect a YES burger when you’ve done the Survey!

Participants can be texted with a Survey link, or can call MHACA on 89504600 to do the survey over the phone. Our Peer Assistants and Peer Workers can help you do the Survey.

The YES Survey was developed with mental health participants and is based on the Recovery Principles of the Australian National Standards for Mental Health Services. Find more information on the YES Survey Information Sheet 2020


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The MHACA Women's Group is back every Tuesday from 10am to 12pm at the Drop-in Centre. It is a women’s only group that creates a safe space for women to share their stories and connect with others who are going through similar experiences.

This group is for MHACA participants only. If you, or someone you know, would like to access MHACA's group activities or mental health services email or call 8950 4600 to make an intake appointment. For people with and without a NDIS plan.

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The MHACA Womens Group is back every Tuesday from 10am to 12pm at the Drop-in Centre. It is a women’s only group that creates a safe space for women to share their stories and connect with others who are going through similar experiences.
This group is for MHACA participants only. If you, or someone you know, would like to access MHACAs group activities or mental health services email or call 8950 4600 to make an intake appointment. For people with and without a NDIS plan.

International Women’s Day movie night 🎬

Join the Women's Safety Services of Central Australia for the screening of 'White Bird' at Alice Springs Cinema on Tuesday 4 March at 6pm.

Tickets are $10 and include a voucher for the candy bar. Buy them at
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International Women’s Day movie night 🎬
Join the Womens Safety Services of Central Australia for the screening of White Bird at Alice Springs Cinema on Tuesday 4 March at 6pm. 
Tickets are $10 and include a voucher for the candy bar. Buy them at
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